The victim of hacking is Microsoft Exchange Server

 The victim of hacking is Microsoft Exchange Server

A new ransomware group called Lockfile has hacked Microsoft Exchange Server. Hackers have since encrypted Windows domains following this hacking using a recently published proximal error. News Blipping Computer.


ProxyShall is one of the three security flaws in Microsoft An exchange that allows hackers to execute unauthorized and remote code. Orange Tsai, a Taiwanese security researcher, discovered the flaws last April.


In May, Microsoft unveiled a full-fledged patch to fix the bug. Recently detailed technical information on this subject was published. However, there are still opportunities for security researchers and hackers.


It was reported last week that hackers were actively scanning using those errors. It is known that hackers have been able to hack Microsoft Exchange Server using proxy error. They then take control of the domain using the PetitPotum error and encrypt the Windows domain.


The hackers quickly contacted and said they had provided the ransomware, though they did not specify the amount of ransomware. Otherwise, the data is threatened to be deleted completely. 

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